3 64 and 32 bit Netwide Assembly demonstration, in the form of a needlessly complicated hello world featuring a branch, macro and function.
9 Uses the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimax">minimax algorithm</a>.
13 The initial instance of this server, which once ran it's namesake virtual domain on a custom MVC framework (it had a few more features then). It also ran my mailserver, DNS server, git server, and automated deployments and backups.
14 - name: simpletimingattack
16 This program implements a <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timing_attack'>simple timing attack</a>. It measures the execution time of a target program over a number of iterations, rotating through a character set and appending the fastest (or slowest) character to the result.
18 - name: cellular-automaton
20 One and two dimensional cellular automata animated on an HTML canvas. Two dimensional automaton seeds can be drawn on the screen and animated.
22 - name: i_like_pandora
24 Searches YouTube for what you like on Pandora. Then downloads the first video.
26 - name: matrixnullspace
28 This web application written in Python calculates the null space, eigenvalues, and determinant of an arbitrary matrix.
32 irssi-notify forwards IRC notifications over a TCP/IP socket for local desktop alerts from a remote GNU/Screen'd session.
36 This Haskell program uses the <a href="https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=17608">haskell-powermate</a> bindings to control Alsa, MPD and Pianobar from a <a href="http://store.griffintechnology.com/powermate-622">Griffin PowerMate</a> supporting long presses and twist motions.
40 This bash script listens for hidden outbound HTTP requests for flash video files and restarts the stream in a chosen application.