Update submodules & cp resume before build
[disinclined.org.git] / _posts / 2011-02-13-mysql-is-my-cms.html
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2 layout: note
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5 <p>I've searched for a CMS to use. I want something small, to edit my notes in Vim and sort them easily in code. I finally decided to write a pagination script for the site, and use the MySQL shell to keep track of things. Python scripts take care of the most repetitive tasks.</p>
6 <pre class="brush: sql">
7 mysql&#62; SHOW tables FROM dylanstestserver;
8 +----------------------------+
9 | Tables_in_dylanstestserver |
10 +----------------------------+
11 | notes |
12 | comments |
13 +----------------------------+
14 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
15 </pre>
16 <p>Once everything was running the way I wanted on my development stack, it was a one line command to copy over the database.</p>
17 <pre class="brush: bash">
18 mysqldump dylanstestserver -p | mysql -u dylan -h dylanstestserver.com -D dylanstestserver -p
19 </pre>