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[] / _posts / 2011-08-25-penn-state-wireless-with-wpa_supplicant.html
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2 layout: note
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5 <p>This is how I connected to the Penn. State wireless network (2.0) with GNU/Linux and wpa_supplicant. Here is the network information from PSU:</p>
7 <p>
8 <b>SSID:</b> psu<br>
9 <b>Security:</b> WPA2-Enterprise<br>
10 <b>Encryption:</b> AES<br>
11 <b>Authentication Type:</b> EAP-TTLS<br>
12 <b>Authentication Protocol:</b> PAP<br>
13 <b>Certificate Authority:</b> Thawte Premium Server CA
14 </p>
16 <p>The following configuration block needs to be entered into /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf:</p>
18 <pre class="brush: bash">
19 network={
20 ssid="psu"
21 identity="your_access_id_here"
22 password="your_password_here"
23 key_mgmt=WPA-EAP
24 eap=TTLS
25 phase2="auth=PAP"
26 ca_cert="/etc/ssl/certs/Thawte_Premium_Server_CA.pem"
27 }
28 </pre>
30 Check that your wireless card is up with `ifconfig` and that you are in range of an access point with `iwlist scan`. You can now connect using wpa_supplicant and dhcpcd. Change the following line to use your wireless driver and interface.
32 <pre class="brush: bash">
33 wpa_supplicant -B -D wext -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
34 dhcpcd wlan0
35 </pre>