2 * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.2
5 * Copyright 2010, John Resig
6 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
7 * http://jquery.org/license
10 * http://sizzlejs.com/
11 * Copyright 2010, The Dojo Foundation
12 * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
14 * Date: Sat Feb 13 22:33:48 2010 -0500
16 (function(A
){function ma(){if(!c
.ready()}}function Qa(a
)}function X(a
){var i
;if(typeof b
==="object"){for(var o
in b
);return a
);return a
}return i
17 e(a
}function J(){return(new Date
).getTime()}function Y(){return false}function Z(){return true}function na(a
;return c
)}function oa(a
){var b
=this;var u
18 j
=false;break}}return b
}}function pa(a
.replace(/\./g,"`").replace(/ /g
19 "&")}function qa(a
===11}function ra(a
){var d
)){var f
){delete e
={};for(var j
in f
)for(var i
in f
)}}})}function sa(a
){var f
===1&&typeof a
20 true;if(j
}}function K(a
){var d
});return d
}function wa(a
){return"scrollTo"in a
:false}var c=function(a
){return new c
21 Wa
){var d
)return this;if(a
=1;return this}if(a
=1;return this}if(typeof a
22 (d
,true)}else a
}return c
[2])return T
;return this}else if(!b
);return c
23 a
)}else return!b
);else if(c
))return T
}return c
:0,size:function(){return this.length
},toArray:function(){return R
){return a
){var f
24 "find")f
?" ":"")+d
;else if(b
+")";return f
){return c
);else Q
);return this},eq:function(a
){return a
+1)},first:function(){return this.eq(0)},last:function(){return this.eq(-1)},slice:function(){return this.pushStack(R
){return this.pushStack(c
25 function(b
){return a
)}))},end:function(){return this.prevObject
.extend=function(){var a
;if(typeof a
=2}if(typeof a
in e
26 c
)}else if(o
}return a
;return c
)return setTimeout(c
){for(var a
==="complete")return c
27 L
,false)}else if(s
);var a
){return $.call(a
)==="[object Function]"},isArray:function(a
){return $.call(a
)==="[object Array]"},isPlainObject:function(a
)!=="[object Object]"||a
)return false;if(a
28 "isPrototypeOf"))return false;var b
in a
);return b
){for(var b
in a
)return false;return true},error:function(a
){throw a
){if(typeof a
)return null;a
.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,"@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,"]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,"")))return A
):(new Function("return "+
29 a
))();else c
.error("Invalid JSON: "+a
)){var b
));else d
){return a
){var f
in a
30 d
)===false)break}else for(;e
)===false)break}else if(i
in a
])===false)break}else for(d
]);return a
==null||typeof a
)||typeof a
);return b
)return b
);for(var d
31 a
)return d
){var d
=0;if(typeof b
==="number")for(var e
];else for(;b
;return a
){for(var f
]);return f
){for(var f
}return f
===2)if(typeof b
}else if(b
32 !c
)b=function(){return a
++;return b
=/(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a
)||/(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a
)||/(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(a
)&&/(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/.exec(a
33 true;if(ya
){return ya
.ready()};else if(s
={};var a
=" <link/><table></table><a href='/a' style='color:red;float:left;opacity:.55;'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>";
34 var e
35 parentNode
=true;delete A
]}try{delete b
.attachEvent("onclick",function k(){c
36 false;d
="<input type='radio' name='radiotest' checked='checked'/>";a
;c(function(){var k
){var n
37 s
;var r
in n
=typeof n
]==="function"}return r
:"frameBorder"};var G
38 applet
;var f
&&typeof b
)return null;f
);if(typeof b
)}else if(!e
;return typeof b
;var d
){delete e
)delete a
39 else a
);delete f
){if(typeof a
)return c
.data(this[0]);else if(typeof a
==="object")return this.each(function(){c
)});var d
){var f
);return f
}else return this.trigger("setData"+d
40 a
){return this.each(function(){c
||"fx")+"queue";var f
)return f
));else f
);return f
||"fx";var d
){if(typeof a
41 w
)return c
);return this.each(function(){var d
){return this.each(function(){c
||"fx";return this.queue(b
,function(){var d
){return this.queue(a
||"fx",[])}});var Aa
42 cb
){return X(this,a
){return this.each(function(){c
))return this.each(function(n
){var r
&&typeof a
==="string")for(var b
++){var e
){for(var j
=" "+e
+" ",
43 i
.indexOf(" "+b
]+" ")<0)i
+=" "+b
)}else e
}return this},removeClass:function(a
))return this.each(function(k
){var n
&&typeof a
)for(var b
++){var e
){for(var j
=(" "+e
+" ").replace(Aa
," "),i
.replace(" "+b
]+" ",
44 " ");e
)}else e
=""}return this},toggleClass:function(a
){var d
=typeof a
=typeof b
))return this.each(function(e
){var j
)});return this.each(function(){if(d
==="string")for(var e
)}else if(d
45 this.className
=" "+a
+" ";for(var b
++)if((" "+this[b
+" ").replace(Aa
," ").indexOf(a
)>-1)return true;return false},val:function(a
){var b
,"select")){var d
<0)return null;var j
++){var i
46 e
)return a
)}}return f
)return b
,"")}return w
}var o
);return this.each(function(k
){var n
.val());if(typeof r
)>=0;else if(c
.nodeName(this,"select")){var u
47 c
=-1}else this.value
===8)return w
in c
)return c(a
);var e
===1){var j
in a
.error("type property can't be changed");
48 a
))return a
;return a
;return a
);return a
}return c
)}});var O
){return a
49 function(b
;var e
)){var i
=o=function(){return typeof c
.split(" ");for(var k
50 k
;var u
,false);else a
===8)){var e
51 C
||typeof b
in C
.split(" ");e
=new RegExp("(^|\\.)"+c
52 null)break}}if(r
);delete C
]}}else for(var B
=null;delete z
;delete z
){var e
=typeof a
53 e
===8)return w
54 f
,true);else if(!a
;var i
){var b
55 if(!b
=new RegExp("(^|\\.)"+d
=0;for(var j
++){var i
.isImmediatePropagationStopped())break}}}return a
:"altKey attrChange attrName bubbles button cancelable charCode clientX clientY ctrlKey currentTarget data detail eventPhase fromElement handler keyCode layerX layerY metaKey newValue offsetX offsetY originalTarget pageX pageY prevValue relatedNode relatedTarget screenX screenY shiftKey srcElement target toElement view wheelDelta which".split(" "),
56 fix:function(a
])return a
;var b
);for(var d
57 d
&4?2:0;return a
){var b
58 "events").live
,""))return b
;return false},teardown:function(a
=null}}}};var Ca
)return new c
59 a
}else this.type
;var a
;var a
60 isImmediatePropagationStopped
};var Da=function(a
){var b
61 {setup:function(){if(this.nodeName
){var b
)return na("submit",this,arguments
){var b
===13)return na("submit",this,arguments
)})}else return false},teardown:function(){c
62 if(!c
){var da
){var b
;else if(b
){return f
}).join("-"):"";else if(a
;return d
){var d
63 e
="change";return c
){var b
.toLowerCase()==="select")return fa
){var b
==="select-multiple")return fa
64 "_change_data",Fa(a
==="file")return false;for(var a
in ea
]);return da
.remove(this,".specialChange");return da
){function d(f
;return c
65 d
){if(typeof d
==="object"){for(var j
in d
);return this}if(c
}var i
);return e
=0;for(var o
)}return this}});c
){if(typeof a
66 !a
)for(var d
in a
=0;for(var f
)}return this},delegate:function(a
){return this.live(b
){return arguments
){return this.each(function(){c
,this[0]);return a
67 toggle:function(a
){for(var b
++]);return this.click(c
){var e
.preventDefault();return b
){return this.mouseenter(a
)}});var Ga
){var i
68 u
||"").split(" ");(i
}else i
)}}return this}});c
.each("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error".split(" "),
69 function(a
){return d
.attachEvent("onunload",function(){for(var a
in c
){}});(function(){function a(g
){for(var h
;else if(l
)}return h
}function b(g
=0;for(var v
++){var t
70 if(t
];for(var y
}}}function d(g
=0;for(var v
++){var t
];for(var y
}if(typeof h
=true;break}}else if(k
}}}var f
=/((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
71 e
=false;return 0});var k=function(g
||[];var q
||typeof g
!=="string")return l
;for(var p
);else for(t
72 t
);else H
;){var D
.pop();else D
)}}else y
73 g
)==="[object Array]")if(H
])}else for(g
]);else l
);else z(y
)}return l
)for(var h
--,1)}return g
){return k(g
){var m
74 for(var p
++){var t
)){var y
){for(var q
;){for(var H
in n
[2]){var M
75 1)!=="\\"){if(v
===true)continue}else y
)for(var U
);var Ha
=true;else v
]=false;else if(Ha
);else break;q
}return v
){throw"Syntax error, unrecognized expression: "+g
;};var n
){return g
77 relative
){var l
=typeof h
=0;for(var q
){var l
=typeof h
.toLowerCase();for(var m
++){var p
78 l
){var m
;if(typeof h
)){var p
){var m
;if(typeof h
)){var p
){if(typeof h
){if(typeof h
!=="undefined"){var l
79 h
[1]);for(var m
]);return l
){return h
=" "+g
[1].replace(/\\/g,"")+" ";if(p)return g;p=0;for(var v;(v=h[p])!=null;p++)if(v)if(q^(v.className&&(" "+v.className+" ").replace(/[\t\n]/g," ").indexOf(g)>=0))l||m.push(v);else if(l)h[p]=false;return false},ID:function(g){return g[1].replace(/\\/g
){return g
80 CHILD:function(g
[1]==="nth"){var h
++;return g
[1].replace(/\\/g,"");if(!p&&n.attrMap[h])g[1]=n.attrMap[h];if(g[2]==="~=")g[4]=" "+g[4]+" ";return g},PSEUDO:function(g,h,l,m,q){if(g[1]==="not")if((f.exec(g[3])||"").length>1||/^\w
81 g
);return false}else if(n
[0]))return true;return g
.unshift(true);return g
){return g
){return g
){return g
){return g
82 text:function(g
83 setFilters
){return h
){return h
){return h
){return h
){return h
){return h
){return l
){return l
){var q
)return p(g
);else if(q
[3])>=0;else if(q
84 h
)return false;return true}else k
.error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: "+q
){var l
){case "only":case "first":for(;m
===1)return false;if(l
==="first")return true;m
;case "last":for(;m
===1)return false;return true;case "nth":l
[2];var q
===0)return true;h
[0];var p
)){var v
85 m
;return l
){return g
){return h
){return(" "+(g
.getAttribute("class"))+" ").indexOf(h
){var l
+"";var m
[4];return g
86 "="?l
==="~="?(" "+l
+" ").indexOf(h
){var q
)return q(g
;for(var u
in n
]=new RegExp(n
]=new RegExp(/(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source
87 h
-0+1)}))}var z=function(g
);return h
}return g
)==="[object Array]")Array
);else if(typeof g
==="number")for(var l
]);else for(l
]);return h
}}var B
88 !h
=true;return g
=true;return g
};else if("sourceIndex"in s
=true;return g
=true;return g
};else if(s
=true;return g
?-1:1}var l
89 h
=true;return g
};(function(){var g
="script"+(new Date
="<a name='"+h
+"'/>";var l
){if(typeof q
[1]||typeof q
90 q
){var p
=typeof m
.getAttributeNode("id");return m
=null})();(function(){var g
=[];for(var m
}return l
="<a href='#'></a>";
91 if(g
&&typeof g
){return h
&&function(){var g
="<p class='TEST'></p>";if(!(h
))try{return z(q
){}return g(m
)};for(var l
in g
92 (function(){var g
="<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>";if(!(!g
){if(typeof l
)return l
=null}}})();var E
93 function(g
){return g
){var l
=0;for(var p
);return k
})();var eb
94 gb
;var Ia=function(a
))return c
});else if(b
)return c
){return e
});else if(typeof b
==="string"){var f
){return e
))return c
);else b
)}return c
){return c
){for(var b
95 c
>0)for(var j
++)for(var i
--,1);break}}return b
){var b
);return this.filter(function(){for(var d
]))return true})},not:function(a
){return this.pushStack(Ia(this,a
){return this.pushStack(Ia(this,a
)){var d
96 {},i
=0;for(var o
in j
});delete j
}}return d
}var k
):null;return this.map(function(n
))return r
}return null})},index:function(a
||typeof a
97 "string")return c
):this.parent().children());return c
=typeof a
);return this.pushStack(qa(a
))},andSelf:function(){return this.add(this.prevObject
){return c
){return c
98 d
){return c
){return c
){return c
){return c
){return c
){return c
){return c
){return c
){return c
99 a
){var e
&&typeof f
.reverse();return this.pushStack(e
+")";return c
){var f
100 1&&f
]}return f
||1;for(var f
)break;return a
){for(var d
);return d
}});var Ja
=/ jQuery
){return hb
101 a
:[1,"<select multiple='multiple'>","</select>"],legend
))return this.each(function(b
){var d
102 c(this);d
.text()))});if(typeof a
)return this.empty().append((this[0]&&this[0].ownerDocument
));return c
))return this.each(function(d
))});if(this[0]){var b
.map(function(){for(var d
;return d
}).append(this)}return this},
103 wrapInner:function(a
))return this.each(function(b
))});return this.each(function(){var b
){return this.each(function(){c(this).wrapAll(a
)})},unwrap:function(){return this.parent().each(function(){c
)}).end()},append:function(){return this.domManip(arguments
104 prepend:function(){return this.domManip(arguments
)return this.domManip(arguments
,this)});else if(arguments
){var a
,this.toArray());return this.pushStack(a
)return this.domManip(arguments
105 this.nextSibling
)});else if(arguments
){var a
[0]).toArray());return a
){for(var d
)}return this},empty:function(){for(var a
106 return this},clone:function(a
){var b
.isXMLDoc(this)){var d
}return c
)[0]}else return this.cloneNode(true)});if(a
.find("*"))}return b
)return this[0]&&this[0].nodeType
107 ""):null;else if(typeof a
);try{for(var b
)}}else c
){var j
.empty().append(function(){return a
);return this},replaceWith:function(a
108 this[0].parentNode
))return this.each(function(b
){var d
))});if(typeof a
).detach();return this.each(function(){var b
)})}else return this.pushStack(c(c
){return this.remove(a
){function f(u
){return c
109 u
}var e
===3&&typeof i
))return this.each(function(){c(this).domManip(a
))return this.each(function(u
){var z
110 1?(k
,"tr");for(var n
)}return this}});c
){var f
);var e
111 return this}else{e
=0;for(var j
++){var i
)}return this.pushStack(f
;if(typeof b
;for(var e
++){if(typeof i
){if(typeof i
);else if(typeof i
);var o
112 ""])[1].toLowerCase(),k
);else e
113 c
])}return e
){for(var b
)for(var k
in b
114 c
)delete o
];else o
);delete f
]}}});var kb
115 function(a
){return b
){return X(this,a
)return c
);if(typeof e
===8)return w
;var f
116 Na
}return f
;return f
==="height"){var e
;function i(){e
,"margin"+this,true))||0;else e
117 "border"+this+"Width",true))||0})}a
);return Math
))}return c
){var f
.$1)/100+"":"";return f
];else if(rb
)return null;if(a
118 a
="1"}else if(a
;var j
}}return f
){var f
={};for(var e
in b
in b
){var b
119 a
.toLowerCase()==="tr";return b
)}}var sb
){if(typeof a
120 "string")return zb
);else if(!this.length
)return this;var f
.indexOf(" ");if(f
>=0){var e
=null}else if(typeof b
="POST"}var j
?c("<div />").append(i
])}});return this},
121 serialize:function(){return c
.param(this.serializeArray())},serializeArray:function(){return this.map(function(){return this.elements
):this}).filter(function(){return this.name
=c(this).val();return a
.each("ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split(" "),
122 function(a
){return this.bind(b
=null}return c
){return c
){return c
={}}return c
123 global
)?function(){return new A
}:function(){try{return new A
:"application/xml, text/xml",html
:"text/javascript, application/javascript",json
:"application/json, text/javascript",text
){function b(){e
124 e
])}function d(){e
.trigger("ajaxStop")}function f(q
)}var e
&&typeof e
125 "&":"?")+(e
||"callback")+"=?");else if(!e
;try{delete A
126 false&&n
==="GET"){var r
){var z
){var B
127 false;C
);return w
}var E
128 c
]+", */*":e
.abort();return false}e
]);var g
129 d();E
}else if(!E
)?"notmodified":"success";var p
||b();else c
=null}};try{var h
130 g("abort")}}catch(l
||g();return x
131 1223||a
){}return false},httpNotModified:function(a
){var d
;return a
){var f
);if(typeof a
132 "json"||!b
);else if(b
);return a
){function d(i
+"["+(typeof n
!=null&&typeof o
)}function f(i
)}var e
133 if(c
)});else for(var j
in a
]);return e
,"+")}});var la
===0)return this.animate(K("show",3),a
++){var d
134 this[a
;var f
];else{var e
+" />").appendTo("body");f
],"olddisplay")||"";return this}},hide:function(a
===0)return this.animate(K("hide",3),a
++){var d
135 "olddisplay",c
="none";return this}},_toggle
){var d
=typeof a
);else a
?this.each(function(){var f
);return this},fadeTo:function(a
){return this.filter(":hidden").css("opacity",0).show().end().animate({opacity
136 animate:function(a
){var e
))return this.each(e
);return this[e
===false?"each":"queue"](function(){var j
in a
){var n
];delete a
)return j
137 j
){var z
=new c
);else{var C
[2]);var E
)}else z
,"")}});return true})},stop:function(a
){var d
138 this.each(function(){for(var f
||this.dequeue();return this}});c
){return this.animate(b
){var f
&&typeof a
?0:typeof f
139 "number"?f
.call(this)};return f
){return d
140 c
]==null))return this.elem
){function f(j
){return e
141 this.pos
=0;var e
){var b
142 this.end
]=true;for(var f
in this.options
)for(var e
in this.options
143 e
)}return false}else{e
;this.update()}return true}};c
,{tick:function(){for(var a
144 c
;else a
){return c
){return a
="getBoundingClientRect"in s
145 function(a
){var b
)return this.each(function(e
)return null;if(b
)return c
);var d
){var b
146 this[0];if(a
)return this.each(function(r
)return null;if(b
)return c
.initialize();var d
;for(var k
147 k
148 f
={initialize:function(){var a
="<div style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;'><div></div></div><table style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td></td></tr></table>";
149 a
150 c
){var b
="relative";var f
151 d
};"using"in b
.extend({position:function(){if(!this[0])return null;var a
152 f
}},offsetParent:function(){return this.map(function(){for(var a
;return a
){var d
){var e
)return null;if(f
)return this.each(function(){if(j
).scrollTop());else this[d
});else return(j
))?"pageXOffset"in j
153 "pageXOffset"]:c
){var d
]=function(){return this[0]?c
){return this[0]?c
){var e
)return f
))return this.each(function(j
){var i
154 e
,typeof f
158 * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
159 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
160 * http://jquery.org/license
162 * http://docs.jquery.com/UI
164 (function(c
){function k(a
).parents().andSelf().filter(function(){return c
){return typeof a
==="number"?this.each(function(){var d
)},scrollParent:function(){var a
166 "position",1))&&/(auto|scroll)/.test(c
)return this.css("zIndex",a
=c(this[0]);for(var b
167 if(b
!==0)return b
.parent()}}return 0},disableSelection:function(){return this.bind((c
.preventDefault()})},enableSelection:function(){return this.unbind(".ui-disableSelection")}});c
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168 "border"+this+"Width",true))||0;if(m
,"margin"+this,true))||0});return g
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)return i
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){if(typeof f
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);return this.each(function(){c(this).css(h
169 d(this,f
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170 c(function(){var a
="onselectstart"in b
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in d
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171 b
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]>0)return true;a
]=0;return d
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173 * jQuery UI Effects 1.8.7
175 * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
176 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
177 * http://jquery.org/license
179 * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/
181 jQuery
){function n(c
){var a
==3)return c
182 16),parseInt(a
[3],16)];if(/rgba\(0, 0, 0, 0\)/.exec(c
))return o
;return o
).toLowerCase()]}function s(c
){var b
);return n(b
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183 a
[0]])for(var e
];if(typeof c
){return h
]}}else for(b
in c
)if(typeof c
];return a
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){var a
in c
in t
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){var b
in a
];return b
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){if(typeof c
184 a
={}}if(typeof a
?0:typeof b
in f
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||typeof c
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])return true;return false}f
185 "borderTopColor","borderColor","color","outlineColor"],function(c
[2],10),255),0)+")"}});var o
186 0,0],blue
187 211,211],lightpink
188 d
=null}return this.each(function(){f
.queue(this,"fx",function(){var e
.attr("style")||" ",h
])});if(typeof e
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189 h
){return a
){return a
){return typeof a
190 b
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191 return a
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[0]){case "top":b
=0;break;case "middle":b
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[0]/a.height}switch(c[1]){case "left":c=0;break;case "center":c=0.5;break;case "right":c=1;break;default:c=c[1]/a.width
.parent().is(".ui-effects-wrapper"))return c
.parent();var a
192 background
:0})}return b
.parent().is(".ui-effects-wrapper"))return c
193 return c
[1]});return d
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)return a
.call(this)});return d
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194 else{var a
="show";return this.effect
))return this._hide
);else{var a
="hide";return this.effect
)||typeof c
))return this.__toggle
);else{var a
="toggle";return this.effect
){var a
195 b
]});return b
){return f
){return d
/=e/2)<1)return d
){return d
196 a
){return d
/2)<1)return d/2*a
;return d
/2*((a-=2)*a*a+2)+b},easeInQuart:function(c,a,b,d,e){return d*(a/=e
/2)<1)return d/2*a
/2*((a-=2)*a*a*a-2)+b},easeInQuint:function(c,a,b,d,e){return d*(a/=e
){return d
197 a
/=e/2)<1)return d
/2*a*a*a*a*a+b;return d/2*((a
){return d
){return a
/e-1))+b},easeOutExpo:function(c,a,b,d,e){return a==e?b+d:d*(-Math.pow(2,-10*a/e
==0)return b
198 e
)return b
/=e/2)<1)return d
/2*Math.pow(2,10*(a-1))+b;return d/2*(-Math
/=e)*a)-1)+b},easeOutCirc:function(c,a,b,d,e){return d*Math.sqrt(1-(a=a/e
/2*(Math.sqrt(1-a*a)-1)+b;return d/2*(Math
=1.70158;var g
==0)return b
/=e)==1)return b+d;g||(g=e*0.3);if(h<Math.abs(d)){h=d;c=g/4}else c
199 g
/g))+b},easeOutElastic:function(c,a,b,d,e){c=1.70158;var g=0,h=d;if(a==0)return b;if((a/=e
)==1)return b
/4}else c=g/(2*Math
/h);return h*Math.pow(2,-10*a)*Math.sin((a*e-c)*2*Math.PI/g)+d
=1.70158;var g
==0)return b
/=e/2)==2)return b
/4}else c=g/(2*Math
200 h
/g)+b;return h*Math.pow(2,-10*(a-=1))*Math.sin((a*e-c)*2*Math.PI/g)*0.5+d
=1.70158;return d
/=e)*a*((g+1)*a-g)+b},easeOutBack:function(c,a,b,d,e,g){if(g==j)g=1.70158;return d*((a=a/e
/=e/2)<1)return d
/2*a*a*(((g*=1.525)+1)*a-g)+b;return d/2*((a
201 a
){return d
-=2.625/2.75)*a+0.984375)+b},easeInOutBounce:function(c,a,b,d,e){if(a<e/2)return f
;return f
203 * jQuery UI Effects Highlight 1.8.7
205 * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
206 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
207 * http://jquery.org/license
209 * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Highlight
212 * jquery.effects.core.js
214 (function(b
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215 this.style
217 * jQuery UI Effects Scale 1.8.7
219 * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
220 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
221 * http://jquery.org/license
223 * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Scale
226 * jquery.effects.core.js
228 (function(c
){return this.queue(function(){var a
){return this.queue(function(){var a
229 b
230 1;a
){return this.queue(function(){var a
231 b
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232 d
233 if(m
);var o
234 f
235 b
237 * jQuery UI Effects Slide 1.8.7
239 * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
240 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
241 * http://jquery.org/license
243 * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Slide
246 * jquery.effects.core.js
248 (function(c
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:"hidden"});var g
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249 "show"?b
250 ;$(document
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252 var divs
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254 $(document
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257 $("ul.portfolio li.project a.exhibit").click(function() {
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261 $(this).addClass("active_project");
263 var activeTab
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265 $(activeTab
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267 $(activeTab
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268 $(activeTab
270 $('#showdivs').click(function() {
271 for(i
272 divs
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