3D printing is a form of additive manufacturing technology where a three dimensional object is created by successive layers of material. [1]:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_printing

reprap is a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects.

repthis.info is the account of a friend and I learning to build our own.



a firefox addon, to load linked images inline (like on reddit).

here's the repo for the source code.

writing markup for website wireframes always seemed silly.

this is a tool to draw them (it's not done).

check out the invisible divs this page is built on.

then get the code.
readoo helps you find search keywords to target.

it reads your IIS logs, and finds successful keywords worth focusing on.

it's not done yet! here's the source code.
here's the code for this site:

git clone git@github.com: