query($sql, "s", $_GET['note']); if ($results[0]["COUNT(*)"] != 1) { $this->not_found(); } } public function display() { $this->fetch_notes(); require_once("view/archive.php"); } public function fetch_notes() { switch (true) { case (isset($_GET['year']) && !isset($_GET['month']) && !isset($_GET['day'])): $sql = "SELECT title, url, date_posted, text FROM notes WHERE YEAR(date_posted) = ? ORDER BY date_posted DESC"; $result = $this->query($sql, "d", $_GET['year']); break; case (isset($_GET['year']) && isset($_GET['month']) && !isset($_GET['day'])): $sql = "SELECT title, url, date_posted, text FROM notes WHERE YEAR(date_posted) = ? AND MONTH(date_posted) = ? ORDER BY date_posted DESC"; $result = $this->query($sql, "dd", $_GET['year'], $_GET['month']); break; case (isset($_GET['year']) && isset($_GET['month']) && isset($_GET['day'])): $sql = "SELECT title, url, date_posted, text FROM notes WHERE YEAR(date_posted) = ? AND MONTH(date_posted) = ? AND DAY(date_posted) = ? ORDER BY date_posted DESC"; $result = $this->query($sql, "ddd", $_GET['year'], $_GET['month'], $_GET['day']); break; } foreach ($result as $row => $entry) { $entry['url'] = '/note/' . $entry['url']; $date_posted = explode("-", $entry['date_posted']); $entry['year_posted'] = $date_posted[0]; $entry['month_posted'] = $date_posted[1]; $entry['datetime_posted'] = explode(' ', $date_posted[2]); $entry['day_posted'] = $entry['date_posted'][0]; $this->notes[$row] = $entry; } } } ?>