.TH powermate 1 "MARCH 2012" Linux "User Manual" .SH NAME powermate \- control alsa/mpd/pianobar with a griffin powermate .SH SYNOPSIS powermate uses the haskell-powermate bindings to control Alsa, MPD and Pianobar with a Griffin PowerMate, supporting long presses and twist motions. .SH DESCRIPTION Controls volume and LED brightness with a left or right turn (down, up respectively). Skips to next MPD/Pianobar track with a press and twist (turn right immediately after pressing). Mutes with a long press (> 1 second). .SH NOTES This program needs read and write access to /dev/input/event*. It acquires this with a udev rule matching all /dev/input/event* files and assigning them to group input with 660 permissions. To use the program you must be a member of group input. Use `sudo gpasswd -a $(whoami) input` to add yourself to this group, and cycle your login for this to take affect. .SH EXAMPLE This program can be easily called with `powermate`, and is recommended to be launched with your login or X start. .SH FILES .I /usr/bin/powermate .RS This executable file controls your powermate. .RE .I /lib/udev/rules.d/99-powermate.rules .RS This udev rule sets all /dev/input/event* files to group input and 660 permissions. .RE .I /usr/share/man/man1/powermate.1.gz .RS This man page. .RE .SH AUTHOR Dylan Lloyd