.TH powermate 1 "MARCH 2012" Linux "User Manual" .SH NAME powermate \- control alsa/mpd/pianobar with a griffin powermate .SH SYNOPSIS powermate uses the haskell-powermate bindings to control Alsa, MPD and Pianobar with a Griffin PowerMate, supporting long presses and twist motions. .SH DESCRIPTION Controls volume and LED brightness with a left or right turn (down, up respectively). Skips to next MPD/Pianobar track with a press and twist (turn right immediately after pressing). Mutes with a long press (> 1 second). .SH NOTES This program needs read and write access to /dev/input/event*. It acquires this with a udev rule matching all /dev/input/event* files and assigning them to group input with 660 permissions. To use the program you must be a member of group input. Use `sudo gpasswd -a $(whoami) input` to add yourself to this group, and cycle your login for this to take affect. This program also does not require alsa, mpd, mpc, pianobar or notify-send. This is because all events are controlled through easily editable shell scripts and can be adapted to any sound or music program that you use. .SH EXAMPLE This program can be easily called with `powermate`, and is recommended to be launched with your login or X start. .SH FILES .I /usr/bin/powermate .RS This executable file controls your powermate. .RE .I /usr/bin/{volume-up,volume-down,volume-toggle,back,next} .RS These shell scripts are called by powermate when an event occurs. .RE .I /usr/bin/pianobar-{next,toggle} .RS These shell scripts control pianobar through the standard ctl fifo. .RE .I /lib/udev/rules.d/99-powermate.rules .RS This udev rule sets all /dev/input/event* files to group input and 660 permissions. .RE .I /usr/share/man/man1/powermate.1.gz .RS This man page. .RE .SH AUTHOR Dylan Lloyd