this.cellSize, this.cellSize);
-// if (this.turn == 'ai') {
-// minimax(this, 'x');
-// }
return this;
this.serialize = function() {
if (!cell.state) {
var player = 'x';;
- var aiMove = minimax(tictactoe.serialize(), player, ii, i).move;
- console.log(aiMove);
- tictactoe.cells[aiMove[1]][aiMove[0]].play('o');
+ if (!endCondition(tictactoe.serialize(), player, ii, i)) {
+ var aiMove = minimax(tictactoe.serialize(), player, ii, i).move;
+ console.log(aiMove);
+ tictactoe.cells[aiMove[1]][aiMove[0]].play('o');
+ }
|| diagonalTally == size
|| antiDiagonalTally == size)
return player == 'o' ? 1 : -1;
+ var fullCells = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < size; ii++) {
+ if (state[i][ii])
+ fullCells++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fullCells == size*size)
+ return 0;
+ else return false;
+ }
+ function endCondition(state, player, x, y) {
+ if (score(state, player, x, y) !== false) {
+ return true;
+ }
function minimax(state, player, x, y) {
console.log('minimax: ' + state + ' by ' + player + ' at ' + x + ',' + y);
var win = score(state, player, x, y);
- if (win) {
- console.log((win == 1 ? 'o' : 'x') + ' won with ' + x + ',' + y);
+ if (win === 1 || win === -1) {
+ //console.log((win == 1 ? 'o' : 'x') + ' won with ' + x + ',' + y);
+ return {
+ 'move' : [x,y],
+ 'score' : win
+ };
+ } else if (win === 0) {
return {
'move' : [x,y],
'score' : win
- player = player == 'x' ? 'o' : 'x';
var scores = [];
- var futures = generate(state, player);
+ //var nextPlayer = player == 'x' ? 'o' : 'x';
+ //var futures = generate(state, nextPlayer);
+ var futures = generate(state, player == 'x' ? 'o' : 'x');
for (var i in futures) {
var future = futures[i];
scores.push(minimax(future.state, future.player, future.x, future.y));
- if (player == 'o') {
+ if (player == 'x') {
+ console.log('evaluating final choices for x');
var bestScore = 1;
var bestMove;
'move' : bestMove,
'score' : bestScore
- } else if (player == 'x') {
+ } else if (player == 'o') {
+ console.log('evaluating final choices for o');
var bestScore = -1;
var bestMove;
for (var i in scores) {
if (scores[i].score >= bestScore) {
- console.log('assigning: ' + scores[i].move + ' to bestMove');
+ console.log('assigning: ' + scores[i].move
+ + ' to bestMove with score ' + scores[i].score);
bestScore = scores[i].score;
bestMove = scores[i].move;
- tictactoe.cells[1][1].play('x');
- tictactoe.cells[2][1].play('o');
+ //tictactoe.cells[1][1].play('x');
+ //tictactoe.cells[2][1].play('o');
+ //tictactoe.cells[2][2].play('x');
+ //tictactoe.cells[1][2].play('o');