--- /dev/null
+__author__ = ("Dylan Lloyd <dylan@psu.edu>")
+__license__ = "BSD"
+USER = 'alphabethos'
+DIR = '/home/dylan/pandora/'
+YT_DL = '/usr/bin/youtube-dl' # Path to youtube-dl
+DEFAULT_ICON ='/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/mimetypes/gnome-mime-application-x-shockwave-flash.png'
+YT_OPT = '--no-progress --ignore-errors --continue --max-quality=22 -o "%(stitle)s---%(id)s.%(ext)s"'
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
+import pynotify
+import tempfile
+import string
+import hashlib
+import os
+import shlex, subprocess
+import re
+def fetch_stations(user):
+ stations = []
+ page = urllib.urlopen('http://www.pandora.com/favorites/profile_tablerows_station.vm?webname=' + USER)
+ page = BeautifulSoup(page)
+ table = page.findAll('div', attrs={'class':'station_table_row'})
+ for row in table:
+ if row.find('a'):
+ for attr, value in row.find('a').attrs:
+ if attr == 'href':
+ stations.append(value[10:])
+ return stations
+def fetch_tracks(stations):
+ search_urls = []
+ for station in stations:
+ page = urllib.urlopen('http://www.pandora.com/favorites/station_tablerows_thumb_up.vm?token=' + station + '&sort_col=thumbsUpDate')
+ page = BeautifulSoup(page)
+ titles = []
+ artists = []
+ for span in page.findAll('span', attrs={'class':'track_title'}):
+ for attr, value in span.attrs:
+ if attr == 'tracktitle':
+ titles.append(value)
+ for anchor in page.findAll('a'):
+ artists.append(anchor.string)
+ if len(titles) == len(artists):
+ i = 0
+ for title in titles:
+ search_url = 'http://youtube.com/results?search_query=' + urllib.quote_plus(title + ' ' + artists[i])
+ search_urls.append(search_url)
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ pass ## ERROR
+ return search_urls
+def fetch_search_video_ids(search_urls):
+ video_list = []
+ for url in search_urls:
+ page = urllib.urlopen(url)
+ page = BeautifulSoup(page)
+ result = page.find('div', attrs={'class':'video-main-content'})
+ for attr, value in result.attrs:
+ if attr == 'id' and len(value[19:]) == 11:
+ video_list.append(value[19:])
+ elif attr == 'id':
+ print 'odd feedback for url', url, " : ", value[19:]
+ return video_list
+def check_for_existing():
+ """ Checks the download-folder for existing videos with same id and removes from videolist. """
+ videolist = get_video_ids()
+ filelist = os.listdir(DIR)
+ for video in copy.deepcopy(videolist):
+ for files in filelist:
+ if re.search(video,files):
+ del videolist[video]
+ return videolist
+def fetch_videos(videolist):
+ """ Uses subprocess to trigger a download using youtube-dl of the list created earlier. """
+ os.chdir(DIR)
+ args = shlex.split(YT_DL + ' ' + YT_OPT)
+ if NOTIFICATIONS: regex = re.compile("\[download\] Destination: (.+)")
+ for item in videolist:
+ if item:
+ thread = subprocess.Popen(args + [item], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ output = thread.stdout.read()
+ video_file = regex.findall(output)
+ if len(video_file) == 0:
+ break
+ thumbnail = hashlib.md5('file://' + DIR + video_file[0]).hexdigest() + '.png'
+ # Two '/'s instead of three because the path is
+ # absolute; I'm not sure how this'd work on windows.
+ title, sep, vid_id = video_file[0].rpartition('---')
+ title = string.replace(title, '_', ' ')
+ thumbnail = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/.thumbnails/normal'), thumbnail)
+ if not os.path.isfile(thumbnail):
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener()
+ try:
+ page = opener.open('http://img.youtube.com/vi/' + item + '/1.jpg')
+ thumb = page.read()
+ # The thumbnail really should be saved to
+ # ~/.thumbnails/normal (Thumbnail Managing
+ # Standard)
+ # [http://jens.triq.net/thumbnail-spec/]
+ # As others have had problems anyway
+ # (http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-list/2010-October/msg00009.html)
+ # I decided not to bother at the moment.
+ temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.jpg')
+ temp.write(thumb)
+ temp.flush()
+ note = pynotify.Notification(title, 'video downloaded', temp.name)
+ except:
+ note = pynotify.Notification(title, 'video downloaded', DEFAULT_ICON)
+ else:
+ # Generally, this will never happen, because the
+ # video is a new file.
+ note = pynotify.Notification(title, 'video downloaded', thumbnail)
+ note.show()
+def main():
+ stations = fetch_stations(USER)
+ search_urls = fetch_tracks(stations)
+ video_list = fetch_search_video_ids(search_urls)
+ fetch_videos(video_list)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
+++ /dev/null
-__author__ = ("Dylan Lloyd <dylan@psu.edu>")
-__license__ = "BSD"
-USER = 'alphabethos'
-DIR = '/home/dylan/pandora/'
-YT_DL = '/usr/bin/youtube-dl' # Path to youtube-dl
-DEFAULT_ICON ='/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/mimetypes/gnome-mime-application-x-shockwave-flash.png'
-YT_OPT = '--no-progress --ignore-errors --continue --max-quality=22 -o "%(stitle)s---%(id)s.%(ext)s"'
-import urllib
-import urllib2
-from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
-import pynotify
-import tempfile
-import string
-import hashlib
-import os
-import shlex, subprocess
-import re
-def fetch_stations(user):
- stations = []
- page = urllib.urlopen('http://www.pandora.com/favorites/profile_tablerows_station.vm?webname=' + USER)
- page = BeautifulSoup(page)
- table = page.findAll('div', attrs={'class':'station_table_row'})
- for row in table:
- if row.find('a'):
- for attr, value in row.find('a').attrs:
- if attr == 'href':
- stations.append(value[10:])
- return stations
-def fetch_tracks(stations):
- search_urls = []
- for station in stations:
- page = urllib.urlopen('http://www.pandora.com/favorites/station_tablerows_thumb_up.vm?token=' + station + '&sort_col=thumbsUpDate')
- page = BeautifulSoup(page)
- titles = []
- artists = []
- for span in page.findAll('span', attrs={'class':'track_title'}):
- for attr, value in span.attrs:
- if attr == 'tracktitle':
- titles.append(value)
- for anchor in page.findAll('a'):
- artists.append(anchor.string)
- if len(titles) == len(artists):
- i = 0
- for title in titles:
- search_url = 'http://youtube.com/results?search_query=' + urllib.quote_plus(title + ' ' + artists[i])
- search_urls.append(search_url)
- i += 1
- else:
- pass ## ERROR
- return search_urls
-def fetch_search_video_ids(search_urls):
- video_list = []
- for url in search_urls:
- page = urllib.urlopen(url)
- page = BeautifulSoup(page)
- result = page.find('div', attrs={'class':'video-main-content'})
- for attr, value in result.attrs:
- if attr == 'id' and len(value[19:]) == 11:
- video_list.append(value[19:])
- elif attr == 'id':
- print 'odd feedback for url', url, " : ", value[19:]
- return video_list
-def check_for_existing():
- """ Checks the download-folder for existing videos with same id and removes from videolist. """
- videolist = get_video_ids()
- filelist = os.listdir(DIR)
- for video in copy.deepcopy(videolist):
- for files in filelist:
- if re.search(video,files):
- del videolist[video]
- return videolist
-def fetch_videos(videolist):
- """ Uses subprocess to trigger a download using youtube-dl of the list created earlier. """
- os.chdir(DIR)
- args = shlex.split(YT_DL + ' ' + YT_OPT)
- if NOTIFICATIONS: regex = re.compile("\[download\] Destination: (.+)")
- for item in videolist:
- if item:
- thread = subprocess.Popen(args + [item], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- output = thread.stdout.read()
- video_file = regex.findall(output)
- if len(video_file) == 0:
- break
- thumbnail = hashlib.md5('file://' + DIR + video_file[0]).hexdigest() + '.png'
- # Two '/'s instead of three because the path is
- # absolute; I'm not sure how this'd work on windows.
- title, sep, vid_id = video_file[0].rpartition('---')
- title = string.replace(title, '_', ' ')
- thumbnail = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/.thumbnails/normal'), thumbnail)
- if not os.path.isfile(thumbnail):
- opener = urllib2.build_opener()
- try:
- page = opener.open('http://img.youtube.com/vi/' + item + '/1.jpg')
- thumb = page.read()
- # The thumbnail really should be saved to
- # ~/.thumbnails/normal (Thumbnail Managing
- # Standard)
- # [http://jens.triq.net/thumbnail-spec/]
- # As others have had problems anyway
- # (http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-list/2010-October/msg00009.html)
- # I decided not to bother at the moment.
- temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.jpg')
- temp.write(thumb)
- temp.flush()
- note = pynotify.Notification(title, 'video downloaded', temp.name)
- except:
- note = pynotify.Notification(title, 'video downloaded', DEFAULT_ICON)
- else:
- # Generally, this will never happen, because the
- # video is a new file.
- note = pynotify.Notification(title, 'video downloaded', thumbnail)
- note.show()
-def main():
- stations = fetch_stations(USER)
- search_urls = fetch_tracks(stations)
- video_list = fetch_search_video_ids(search_urls)
- fetch_videos(video_list)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()