+%macro print 2 ; Declare a macro to print a string, with two arguments
+ mov eax,4 ; Put magic # for system call sys_write into rax
+ mov edi,1 ; Prepare arg 1 of sys_write, 1 - file descriptor of stdo
+ mov esi,%1 ; Prepare arg 2, a string reference
+ mov edx,%2 ; Prepare arg 3, string length, no deref. b/c constant
+ int 80h ; Call the kernel
section .data
- hello: db 'Hello, world.',10 ; declare initialized string with linefeed char
- helloLen: equ $-hello ; declare and init. constant
- done: db 0
+ hello: db 'Hello, world.',10 ; declare initialized string with linefeed char
+ helloLen: equ $-hello ; declare and init. constant
+ done: db 0
section .text
- global _start
+ global _start ; Declare program entry point
+ push ebp ; Prologue, save stack pointer
+ mov ebp,esp ; Get base pointer (start of arguments)
+ mov ebx,[ebp+8] ; Get first argument (offset from base by the return address)
+ print ebx,helloLen ; Macro, replaced inline
+ leave ; Epilogue, equivalent to mov esp,ebp; pop ebp
+ ret ; Return control to caller
- movzx eax, byte [done] ; Pad value of done to one byte and put in eax
- cmp eax,1 ; Compare eax with 1
- jg myFirstASMLabel ; Jump if greater than to myFirstASMLabel
- mov byte [done], 1
- mov eax,4 ; Put magic # for system call sys_write into eax
- mov ebx,1 ; Prepare arg 1 of sys_write, 1 - file descriptor of stdo
- mov ecx,hello ; Prepare arg 2, reference to string hello
- mov edx,helloLen ; Prepare arg 3, string length, no deref. b/c constant
- int 80h ; Call the kernel
+ cmp byte [done],1 ; Compare byte padded value of done with 1
+ jg exit ; Jump if greater than to exit
+ mov byte [done], 1 ; Put 1 in done
+ push hello ; Push the last argument of _print onto the stack
+ call _print ; Call the function _print
mov eax,1 ; The system call for exit (sys_exit)
- mov ebx,0 ; Exit with return code of 0 (no error)
+ mov edi,0 ; Exit with return code of 0 (no error)
int 80h