+++ /dev/null
-# Simple Timing Attack
-This program implements a simple [timing attack](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timing_attack). It measures the execution time of a target program over a number of iterations, rotating through a character set and appending the fastest character to the result.
-## Requirements:
- librt (with clock_gettime implemented)
-Note: OSX [does not currently implement](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5167269/clock-gettime-alternative-in-mac-os-x) `clock_gettime`
-## Compilation:
- gcc -lrt ./timingattack -o timingattack
-## Usage:
- Usage: timingattack [options...] <invocation>
- Options:
- --l, --length specify password length
- --i, --iterations specify iterations per character
- --c, --charset specify possible password characters (alphanum default)